Reference level Ground level
Display ground level line
Display filter position
Choose monitoring well
After selecting the monitoring well on the map or via the navigation menu, you will see a box at the bottom of the map with 2 tabs and a legend containing information about the monitoring well.
Below we indicate per tab which information is included:
1) Chart tab containing;
a) the groundwater level with a clear difference between validated (green) and non-validated data (grey),
b) the groundwater level in a selected period with the selected graph options (ground level, MSL, filter position). The period is scalable by scrolling with the mouse on the graph.
c) below the groundwater level graph you will find the precipitation information from the nearest meteorological station or precipitation station with the same selected period
d) a green CSV button for downloading the measurement data from the monitoring well to Excel
e) a PDF and JPG button for printing the graph with groundwater levels and precipitation
2) Data tab, containing the fixed characteristics of a monitoring well and observation data:
a) Monitoring well: Address, BRO code, ground level, filter position and length, MSL height, ground level and monitoring well depth
b) Observation data: such as start date of the measurements, date of the last measurement, the highest and lowest groundwater level from the start date
Select period
a) a freely selectable period for the user or via
b) pre-programmed fixed period buttons (day, week, month, year, 3 years)
Chart options
a) showing the groundwater level in relation to MSL or ground level
b) switching on/off the ground level line in meters minus ground level or relative to MSL
c) The filter position, the location of the filtered part of a monitoring well which is in the bottom layer which must be measured. A correct filter position in relation to the soil structure is necessary to obtain the correct measurement values